Ranges of Need
What are the ‘Ranges of Need’?
Bradford Council have identified 7 ‘Ranges of Need’ for pupils with SEN. Within a mainstream school it is expected that provision will be made for pupils within Ranges 1-3 (and 4 dependent on the individual child).
If a child has a Statement of Special Educational Need or an Education, Health and Care Plan in which our school is named, then we provide the support detailed in the plan.
For further information about the Ranges at St Cuthbert & The First Martyrs' Catholic Primary School for each area of need please click on the links below:
- Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC)
- Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
- Moderate Learning Needs (MLN)
- Specific Learning Difficulties (SLD)
- Behavioural, Social and Emotional Needs (BSEN)
- Hearing Impairment (HI)
- Visual Impairment (VI)
- Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI)
- Physical Difficulties (PD)
For further details about each Range please refer to the Special Educational Needs section of Bradford Schools Online.